1st Grade

Welcome to Patterson Primary Art

Art is Alive at Patterson Primary!


The Primary Art program provides the students with opportunities to become artists. Beginning in KDG, our students are creating masterpieces and their artwork continues to excel as they progress through the K-12 art program. Students explore and create artwork through a variety of mediums. In addition to the creation of artwork, there is an exploration of artists and art history. Students develop through art imagination, interpersonal connections with peers, critical thinking skills and problem solving. Students will use their personal expression to individualize their artwork while keeping with the necessary principles and elements of design. A student will develop pride and self esteem as well as an appreciation for the work of others.

At Blackhawk, artistic talent and dedication is supported and respected K-12.

1st Grade Art

The art students in first grade will continue to explore a variety of art mediums, techniques and art history.  They will study different cultures, artists and their artwork. They will create different art pieces from their studies. They will continue to use the Elements and Principles of Design throughout the year. They will begin to build and develop different types of sculpture using different mediums.

Art Links

Extra Art

March Drawing Calendar - 1st Grade

           April Drawing Calendar- 1st gr


          MAY Drawing Calendar 1st gr



Art Assignments

Art Assignment May 16-19 2020-Astronaunt
Art Assignment May 18-22 2020- Otter 
Art Assignment May 11-15 2020- Turtle


Art Assignment May 4-8 2020-Sunflowers
Apr 20-24 2020- Zebra
Apr 14-17 2020- Bunny with Easter Egg
Apr 6-10 2020- Daffodils

Art Library read alouds

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