Roadmap: Technology

If online instruction is required due to COVID19, how will technology be made available to students?

The district will be implementing a 1- to - 1 device program that will ensure all students have access to technology in the event of online instruction. 

During online learning, how will families without internet be able to access online materials?

The school district will work with families to provide access to the internet.  Solutions will vary according to each family's specific situation.  Examples include: assisting in finding an internet service provider with free or discounted service, providing a wireless hotspot,  or providing parking lot WiFi for families to use.

If the district is required to quickly move to online learning, how will the devices be distributed?

The devices provided to students in grades 5 through 12 will go home with students daily as part of the 1 to 1 initiative so there will not be a need to distribute technology.  Each student in grades K – 4 will have a device available in their classroom.   In the event of a rapid transition to online instruction, the devices will be removed from their charging station and sent home with a charging cable and plug.

How will the district ensure that online instruction is consistent?

All classrooms in grades 3 through 12 will use the Schoology LMS (Learning Management System) to deliver online content.   Over the summer, teachers in grades K – 2 will discuss a common delivery method that is appropriate for younger students.   All teachers will be provided guidance on how to setup and deliver online instruction in a consistent format.

How will parents/guardians be familiar with how the online instruction works?

A series of tutorials will be developed so that parents/guardians can understand how the online learning process works.

How can parents/guardians make sure students are completing online work?

All district grades are entered into Skyward.  Any work completed/graded in Schoology, or any other online platform, does not automatically transfer to Skyward.   Parents/guardians should check Skyward regularly to ensure work is being completed.   The district will work with teachers to ensure grades are entered into Skyward on a consistent basis.

Will students or parents need to download apps on the devices to be used for online learning?

No, the district uses a mobile device management system that can remotely distribute apps, links, and settings to iPads.

If online instruction is taking place, what is the procedure for technology support?

Any technology issues should be first reported to a student's classroom teacher.  This can be done via Schoology message or email.   If the teacher is unable to solve the issue, the teacher will submit an IT ticket with the district technology department to resolve the issue.  If you are unable to communicate with the classroom teacher due to technology issues, reach out to the office of the child’s school, and somebody from the district will work with you.

If a students is unable to submit an assignment due to tech issues what can be done?

If there is an issue submitting or uploading an assignment, please contact the classroom teacher immediately.  If possible, email the assignment directly to the teacher.  This can be done by the student or by the parent/guardian.   The teacher can then troubleshoot the issue and involve the technology department if needed. 

What steps will the district take to ensure classroom technology is sanitized after each use?

The district's planned 1 to 1 initiative should eliminate a considerable need for the sharing of technology.   Students will no longer need to use shared technologies (iPads or computer labs) for basic tasks, such as researching online information, checking grades, or typing a paper.   Additionally, certain activities that had previously been “hands on” activities could become virtual, eliminating the need for sharing technology.

Is the district still planning on offering courses that use shared technology?

There are specific curricular areas throughout the district in which shared technology will be required.  The district understands the importance of these curricular areas, and plans to safely continue offering these classes. In these shared technology areas, procedures will be established to use disinfectant wipes to sanitize the technology (i.e. computers keyboards and mice) after each student use.
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