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Did you know we have many student groups at BIS?
Throughout the school year, students may be asked to join a variety of Counseling Groups, aimed to help students.  Good Choices group is run 1st through 4th grades with the goal of helping students to make better decisions throughout their school day.  Self-Confidence Group has students participating in all grades, with the target of feeling good about oneself and helping others at school.  These groups are either held for 25 minutes 1 time a week (In grades K to 2nd) or at lunch once a week (for grades 3 and 4).  Other groups that will be run this year include Self-Control group (for students who experience anxiety), FISH group (or Families in Separate Homes), for those students in our school going through the separation or divorve of their parents, and Friendship group.  If you have any questions, or would wish your child to participate in these groups, please let me by email ([email protected]) or by phone (724-843-5050 ext 4314).