What is Do Your P.A.R.T.?
The purpose of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan is to remove the barriers to learning that occur when behaviors are disrupting the learning community. The climate of each learning community in the district is different; therefore, a one size fits all approach is less effective than interventions based on the needs of each school.
A School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan provides proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. Instead of using a piecemeal approach of individual behavioral management plans, a continuum of positive behavior support for all students is implemented in classroom and nonclassroom settings (such as hallways, buses, and restrooms).
At Blackhawk, a group of teachers, students, parents, community members, and guidance counselors met in December 2008 to create our district’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan. They established Do Your P.A.R.T.
Do Your P.A.R.T. asks students to do their part in school by possessing and applying four attributes while they are participating in school activities or during the school day. The four attributes are:
T-TrustworthinessDo Your P.A.R.T. is a positive approach to setting student expectations. It addresses how students can do their part in various times throughout the school day (i.e. lunchroom, restroom, buses, and classrooms). Do Your P.A.R.T. is tied to classroom and building rules that students are expected to follow and which support all students’ academic success.
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