Below you will find tax information for the District's municipalities and links to tax office websites, where applicable.
Chippewa TownshipGoverning Body: Board of Supervisors
2811 Darlington Road
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Tax collectors: Linda Rawding (real estate)
Please click here for tax office website.Berkheimer Associates (EIT, LST, per capita, mechanical devices)
Please click here for website.Darlington BoroughGoverning Body: Council
236 Second Street
Darlington, PA 16115
Tax collection by Berkheimer Associates (EIT, real estate, per capita, LST, mechanical devices)
Please click here for website.Darlington TownshipGoverning Body: Board of Supervisors
3590 Darlington Road
Darlington, PA 16115
Tax collectors: Phil Dirocco (real estate)
Enon Valley Borough
Governing Body: Council
Box 295
Enon Valley, PA 16120
Tax collectors: Veronica Dombrosky (real estate)